Work Train Governance
Work Train is administered by CenterState CEO and is a major initiative within its Economic Inclusion Division. CenterState CEO is an independent and forward thinking economic development strategist, business leadership organization and chamber of commerce dedicated to the success of its members and the prosperity of the region.The Work Train Collaborative oversees and advises the strategies and activity of the initiative. The Collaborative is comprised of advisors representing local philanthropy and government.
Work Train Funder Collaborative Members:
- Meg O’Connell, Allyn Family Foundation
- Nancy Kern Eaton, United Way of Central New York
- Peter Dunn, Central New York Community Foundation
- Robert Falter, Reisman Foundation
- Sheena Solomon, Gifford Foundation
- Ann Rooney, Onondaga County
- Sharon Owens, City of Syracuse
National Fund for Workforce Solutions
Work Train is an affiliate of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, a national network implementing best practices and pursuing systems change in their communities. Through this partnership, Work Train has access to funding, technical assistance, and best practices in the field. As a part of this extensive network, Work Train contributes to a national conversation that works to align the needs of communities with those of businesses. As active participants in this conversation, we are influencing policies and resource allocation to create a more inclusive national economy.